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Digital twins for the future of transportation

PMX Systems and AIMotroniX are jointly developing a digital twin for traffic and people counting to set new standards in radar measurement.
8 February 2024 by
PMX Systems AG, Lara Weiss

New innovative measuring method​

​The advanced sensors from PMX Systems will be characterized by their superiority over conventional radar meters. Thanks to their use of solar energy, they are environmentally friendly and can be used worldwide thanks to satellite communication. In addition to accurately counting vehicles, they will have the unique ability to categorize them. This will provide more detailed information about the type of traffic, which conventional systems cannot achieve.

​This innovative measurement method is based on a range of new technologies. The digital twin of the AIMotroniX AG simulates realistic conditions for sensor measurements, allows comprehensive tests with different vehicle types and enables intelligent, model-based signal evaluation.​ 

An important step for advanced technology​

​PMX Systems AG was officially founded in January 2024. AIMotroniX AG has developed a comprehensive library of digital twin components that can be used to optimize, control and diagnose complex systems.

​Die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit eröffnet PMX Systems die Möglichkeit, seine Sensorsysteme weiter zu verfeinern. Die Partnerschaft mit der AIMotroniX AG stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der Entwicklung von fortschrittlichen Technologien für Verkehrszählung und digitale Simulation dar. Ziel ist es, innovative Lösungen für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu entwickeln.

Aktuell findet eine Marktoffensive statt, die sich an Softwareunternehmen richtet, welche Lösungen für Städte, Gemeinden und die Tourismusbranche anbieten.

PMX Systems AG, Lara Weiss 8 February 2024